Monday, April 28, 2014

The Waiting Game

The final two weeks before a trip are always an odd mix of emotions. On one hand, I want time to speed up since patience is a virtue I was NOT blessed with.

On the other, despite my uncanny planning skills, it always seems like a mad dash to tie up all loose ends at work, at home, and final trip details.

What final trip details, you ask? Oh, you know, things like:

What can I say? I'm a List Girl.

A couple things I want to point out:
  • Yes, I did add "hotel confirmations" in handwriting even after I had completed that, just so I could cross off something else.
  • "Alert Neighbors" sounds more scary than it is -- we just need to ask someone to keep an eye on things and pick up our newspaper on the off chance it's actually delivered.
  • And the "hair straightener" item has actually been one of the more difficult tasks. Hair appliances use a whallop of voltage, and Brendan has refused to let me take my current one because it requires a super-heavy voltage converter that literally broke the sink in Florence on our last European trip.
And in an effort to be more "spontaneous" (I feel like air quotes are needed there), I've decided we'll buy the train tickets on site. (Gasp!) I know. I'm pretty proud of me, too.

As I was making the list and checking it twice, it made sense to rent another Austria-themed movie.

Good thing Brendan was out of town during this one, because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have made it through the hyper-romantic Before Sunrise. It's an equally good thing that I love cheesy 90s romance movies - because I thoroughly enjoyed it! Before Sunrise is the tale of Jesse the American and Celene the French woman, two strangers who meet on a train and end up spending justonenight in Vienna. They fall in love, but since they live an ocean apart, decide to leave their romance as just one perfect night --- with the promise to meet up again in six months. And it stars a young(er) Ethan Hawke. Sigh.

Anyway, back to planning and tying up all those loose ends....
....oh! A new issue of Conde Nast Traveler came in the mail today. <breaks from planning and reads magazine>

Hey, whadya know? The #1 tip from Traveler's "Wendy Says" feature strikes me as a good omen, donchathink?

Until next time… Auf Wiedersehen!

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