On the other, despite my uncanny planning skills, it always seems like a mad dash to tie up all loose ends at work, at home, and final trip details.
What final trip details, you ask? Oh, you know, things like:
What can I say? I'm a List Girl.
A couple things I want to point out:
- Yes, I did add "hotel confirmations" in handwriting even after I had completed that, just so I could cross off something else.
- "Alert Neighbors" sounds more scary than it is -- we just need to ask someone to keep an eye on things and pick up our newspaper on the off chance it's actually delivered.
- And the "hair straightener" item has actually been one of the more difficult tasks. Hair appliances use a whallop of voltage, and Brendan has refused to let me take my current one because it requires a super-heavy voltage converter that literally broke the sink in Florence on our last European trip.
As I was making the list and checking it twice, it made sense to rent another Austria-themed movie.
Good thing Brendan was out of town during this one, because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have made it through the hyper-romantic Before Sunrise. It's an equally good thing that I love cheesy 90s romance movies - because I thoroughly enjoyed it! Before Sunrise is the tale of Jesse the American and Celene the French woman, two strangers who meet on a train and end up spending justonenight in Vienna. They fall in love, but since they live an ocean apart, decide to leave their romance as just one perfect night --- with the promise to meet up again in six months. And it stars a young(er) Ethan Hawke. Sigh.
Anyway, back to planning and tying up all those loose ends....
....oh! A new issue of Conde Nast Traveler came in the mail today. <breaks from planning and reads magazine>
Hey, whadya know? The #1 tip from Traveler's "Wendy Says" feature strikes me as a good omen, donchathink?
Until next time… Auf Wiedersehen!