Monday, August 22, 2011

Awaiting Italy

As much as I enjoy reading my friends' blogs, I've never really been inspired to start one of my own. But as it turns out, I actually have something incredibly exciting brewing in my life: 

From September 14-25, Brendan and I are embarking on an adventure... to Italy! 

Ever since studying abroad in college, I've been bit by a serious travel bug. And I can't wait to feed it again. 

I've always thought the traveling experience includes more than just the piece bookended by airplane rides: it's the planning, the debating, the coordinating, the booking... and most importantly, the few weeks of pure anticipation before the trip begins. 

So I thought blogging might inspire me to "journal" before, during and after the trip.

Here's a quick breakdown of our itinerary: 
Sept. 14-15: Travel to Rome
Sept. 15-17: Rome
Sept. 18-19: Florence
Sept. 20-21: Vernazza
Sept. 22: Florence
Sept. 23-24: Venice
Sept. 25: Return to Seattle 


 So, you could call me a bit of a planner.


  1. I am the first person to comment on your blog! I'm so glad you started one. I can't wait to read about Italy and I hope you keep it up when you get home!

  2. I am so excited about your blog - I can reminisce (although it hasn't been that long ago) about how breathtaking Italy was and how friendly the people are, the history, etc. I can't wait to get your take on it. I'm so excited for you guys.
